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Adoption of E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.20220301.oa4


The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in the complete disruption of the learning ecosystem across the world. The sudden shift from the class room learning to the use of virtual platforms has not only made an unprecedented impact on the learning style of the students, but has also resulted in the problem of adoption of the same. Thus, with the significant surge in the usage of e-learning mechanism, the researchers even tend to predict the continued usage of the digital learning platforms post pandemic due to its accelerated usage and adoption by the learners and teachers as well across the age and gender. Therefore, the present research seeks to study the factors influencing e-learning adoption by the students in the context of the pandemic. Further, it would examine the moderating influence of age and gender for the adoption of e-learning using the UTAUT model with extended constructs like computer anxiety, attitude, and technology anxiety.