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Influential Indicators and Measurements of Mediating and Moderating Roles on SME Performance

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJKM.20220101.oa7
Published by: IGI Global


Overcoming the failure of SMEs has been an important research topic. The critical research finding is that it has verified the essential elements of performance improvement. We presented a solution to the research question, "Is there a causal relationship between the effect on SMEs' success on capacity and business performance?". We analyzed whether the competence of SMEs had a mediating effect between success variables and performance. Secondary effects were empirically studied by converting independent variables to Higher-Order Component (HOC). The second-order variable of management influenced financial, non-financial, and technical performance, and the second-order variable of technology affected technical performance. As a result of introducing demographic variables as a controlling variable for performance, gender, and year of establishment showed a moderating effect on technical and non-financial performance. We expect to contribute to practical application to SME CEOs and government policymakers, support organizations, academia, and industry.