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Teacher-Student Relationships in Childhood as a Protective Factor against Adolescent Delinquency up to Age 17

OAI: DOI: 10.17863/CAM.96312
Published by: Crime and delinquency


In this paper we examined the impact of the quality of teacher-student relationships at age 10 on young people's delinquency at ages 13, 15, and 17 utilizing propensity-score matching. The young people were matched based on 105 characteristics, measured at ages 7 to 10. The sample comprised 1483 (49.4% female) adolescents representing around 80 different countries of origin, residing in Zurich, Switzerland. We found that young people who reported a better relationship with their teacher at age 10, engaged in fewer delinquent acts at ages 13, 15, and 17. These findings suggest that when young people perceive a better relationship with their teachers this serves as a protective factor against their engagement in delinquency up to 7 years later.