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Crowd Abnormality Detection Using Optical Flow and GLCM-Based Texture Features

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2022010110
Published by: IGI Global


Detection of abnormal crowd behavior is one of the important tasks in real-time video surveillance systems for public safety in public places such as subway, shopping malls, sport complexes and various other public gatherings. Due to high density crowded scenes, the detection of crowd behavior becomes a tedious task. Hence, crowd behavior analysis becomes a hot topic of research and requires an approach with higher rate of detection. In this work, the focus is on the crowd management and present an end-to-end model for crowd behavior analysis. A feature extraction-based model using contrast, entropy, homogeneity, and uniformity features to determine the threshold on normal and abnormal activity has been proposed in this paper. The crowd behavior analysis is measured in terms of receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) & area under curve (AUC) for UMN dataset for the proposed model and compared with other crowd analysis methods in literature to prove its worthiness. YouTube video sequences also used for anomaly detection.