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A Moderation and Mediation Model of Social Media Marketing and Brand Loyalty Among Smartphone Users in Egypt

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCRMM.2022010102
Published by: IGI Global


Social media are being extensively used as a platform to conduct marketing and advertising activities (Shwetha et al., 2020). However, there is always a challenge in how organizations can figure out the results of social media marketing (Costa et al., 2018). Therefore, this study aimed to study the effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty among smartphone users in Egypt, moreover, to identify the effect of some demographics and psychographics on this relationship. A cluster sample consisting of 502 smartphone users have been surveyed using a questionnaire that has been designed and validated. Ex-Post Facto design was employed to achieve the research objectives. Multi group analysis and path analysis were employed to test research hypotheses. Results showed that social media marketing significantly affects brand loyalty, moreover, smartphone users’ age and education significantly affect this relationship. Finally, smartphone users’ psychographics significantly affected this relationship.