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The Impact of Digital Twins on Local Industry Symbiosis Networks in Light of the Uncertainty Caused by the Public Crisis

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISSCM.20220101
Published by: IGI Global


Digital twins provide a solution for information-sharing between enterprises, thereby alleviating uncertainties in the supply chain. In light of the public crisis caused by COVID-19, the authors suggest a signal game model for a two-stage supply chain with two suppliers and two manufacturers. Based on the model, the impact of the digital twin platform on the profits of the local industrial symbiosis network is analyzed. The results show that the uncertainty of supply and demand caused by the public crisis has led to fluctuations in profits and profit volatility. Under this influence, suppliers are willing to participate in information-sharing on the digital twin platform, but manufacturers are less willing to participate. Moreover, application of the digital twin platform in information-sharing is conducive to maintaining and promoting the smooth operation of the industrial chain under these conditions of uncertainty.