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Multimedia Concealed Data Detection Using Quantitative Steganalysis

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDCF.20210901.oa6
Published by: IGI Global


In current days, there is a constant evolution in modern technology. The most predominant usage of technology by society is the internet. There are many ways and means on the internet through which data is transmitted. Having such rapid and fast growth of communicating media also increases the exposure to security threats, causing unintellectual information ingress. Steganography is the main aspect of communicating in an aspect that hides the extent of communication. Steganalysis is another essential concern in data concealing, which is the art of identifying the existence of steganography. A framework has been designed to identify the concealed data in the multimedia file in the proposed system. This work's main strength is analyzing concealed data images without embedding and extracting the image's payloads. A quantitative steganalysis approach was considered to accomplish the proposed objective. By using this approach, the results were achieved with 98% accuracy.