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An Approach to Prevent Air Pollution and Generate Electricity Using Nanostructured Carbon Materials

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJANR.20210101.oa1
Published by: IGI Global


Pollution is one of the major threats for the environment as well as society. It causes severe problems for the living organisms and can gives birth of various unknown issues. Different sources like cars, industrial belts, fossil fuels etc. are the major causes of air pollution. Different researchers are working to develop new methods to combat air pollution. In this work, a new solution is proposed to fight against air pollution. The proposed solution is based on nanotechnology which not only fight against the air pollution but, it can generate electricity using the nanostructured carbon materials. The proposed solution can be deployed in real life scenario to reduce the air pollution and produce electricity in a large scale to provide an alternate energy resource to the society.