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Multi-Dimensional Sport Physique Evaluation and Ranking for Healthcare Based on TOPSIS

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.286765
Published by: IGI Global


Typically, through monitoring, collecting, integrating, and analyzing the sport scores of individuals, we can know about the sport physique of the individuals in a real-time manner, so as to further guarantee a high-quality health level of people. However, in the abovementioned sport scores-based sport physique monitoring scenario, two major challenges are raised. First, the collected sport scores for sport physique monitoring are often multi-dimensional, which makes it hard to evaluate the sport physique of individuals fairly and reasonably. Moreover, the multiple dimensions of sport scores are often of different weights or significances, which raise a challenging task to objectively evaluate the sport physique of an individual. Considering these challenges, a novel multi-dimensional sport physique evaluation and ranking method, named MSPER, is proposed in this research work for better healthcare for individuals, which is based on the TOPSIS theory. At last, a case study is presented to show the concrete procedure of MSPER method.