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Towards Multi-Finger Dexterous Hand Mechanics Control and Tactile Feedback

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCINI.286770
Published by: IGI Global


Abstract:The ever-changing demands of industrial automation and space technology have promoted the rapid development of robotics. Traditional robotic end effectors are difficult to perform smart operations, so there is an urgent need for a robotic hand to perform complex operations instead of humans. In this article, we will focus our attention on mechanical control and haptic feedback. Mechanical control and haptic feedback are necessary conditions for the stable and accurate grasping of multi-finger dexterous hands. Tactile perception can provide stiffness and temperature to multi-finger dexterous hands. Important information makes the function of the dexterous hand more perfect. This article introduces the kinematics and dynamics of dexterous hand fingers, as well as the kinematics and dynamics solving equations, then reviews the current sensors and various control driving methods used in dexterous hands, discusses drive control, and compares each method Pros and cons. Finally, the future development of dexterous hands is predicted.