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Challenging the Challenges of E-Government

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDSGBT.286772
Published by: IGI Global


Information and Communication Technologies advancement is influencing life-style. Making human being involved in the evolution of the life process, information and communication technology has been changing changes every activities. Societies are significantly reacting to events and activities locally and globally. This situation transfers the world society to a networked mood of life. The more a society utilizes technology, the more the secret of world is understood. When revising many kinds of literature about e-government implementation, the researcher found most journal articles and books analyze successions or failures of e-government. This paper is different in that it forwards some possible ways to overcome and solve problems that implementation of e-government. Even though revising successes and failures of e-government projects is important to get experiences, thinking over how to avoid those challenges is more fruitful when adopting e-government applications.