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Determinants of the Acceptance of Mobile Payment Systems by E-Merchants

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JECO.286777
Published by: IGI Global


To be effectively deployed, a mobile payment (m-payment) system must be provided by e-merchants and accepted by e-consumers. Although the problem of acceptance of m-payment systems by e-consumers has been widely researched, there are few studies about what actually motivates e-merchants to adopt and deploy these systems in their businesses in the first place. The goal of this research was to discover the behavioral intentions of e-merchants to adopt and deploy an m-payment system. The interviews approach was applied to 347 e-merchants randomly selected from among the whole population of 47,457 independent business units selling goods on-line in Poland. The PLS-SEM method was applied to determine the relationship between variables. Unexpectedly, perceived risk was not a significant factor influencing e-merchants' intention to adopt an m-payment system. The e-merchants’ behavioral intention was significantly impacted by the expected usefulness, perceived ease of deployment and use, perceived cost and price, and hedonic motivation.