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Impact of Advertising on Educational Apps Used by Children

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.287097
Published by: IGI Global


India’s education sector is being impacted by COVID-19 in unprecedented ways. The pandemic is disrupting the traditional education system, affecting over 320 million students. This sector is trying to develop robust, innovative approaches to foster a paradigm shift toward digital education. These efforts are being supplemented with the launch of quality-focused multilingual educational applications (apps). Parents are also swiftly adopting a variety of e-learning apps. This research addresses the role of advertisements to empower parents to be educated consumers for educational apps for children. The purposeful sample data were collected from 307 parents of students from the top 10 ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) and CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) schools in Urban India. The findings indicate that advertising media accelerates the diffusion of educational technology and apps among parents. However, it does not help in overcoming insecurities that parents may have regarding these apps for their children.