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A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Blended Service Quality for Ride-Sharing Continuance

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.287602
Published by: IGI Global


This research aims to elucidate the service quality factors influencing customer satisfaction with ride-sharing services. Particularly, this research compares Chinese and US consumers to identify the influence of national culture on user attitudes. Empirical research was conducted via two online surveys in China and the US. Data were collected and analyzed using partial least squares (PLS) analysis. The results show that while the satisfaction of the Chinese ride-sharing consumers was affected primarily by reliability, followed by platform assurance and empathy, the satisfaction of American consumers was influenced mainly by the conditions of ride-sharing vehicles (tangibles). The PLS-MGA results indicate that satisfaction with ride-sharing services had a significantly stronger impact on American than on Chinese continuance intention. Managerial implications are provided.