Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Image Forensic Tool (IFT)

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDCF.287606
Published by: IGI Global


Images now-a-days are often used as an authenticated proof for any cyber-crime. Images that do not remain genuine can mislead the court of law. The fast and dynamically growing technology doubts the trust in the integrity of images. Tampering mostly refers to adding or removing important features from an image without leaving any obvious trace. In earlier days, digital signatures were used to preserve the integrity, but now a days various tools are available to tamper digital signatures as well. Even in various state-of-the-art works in tamper detection, there are various restrictions in the type of inputs and the type of tampering detection. In this paper, the researchers propose a prototype model in the form of a tool that will retrieve all the image files from given digital evidence and detect tampering in the images. For various types of tampering, different tampering detection algorithms have been used. The proposed prototype will detect if tampering has been done or not and will classify the image files into groups based on the type of tampering.