Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Multi-Objective Optimization Information Fusion and Its Applications for Logistics Centers Maximum Coverage

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISSCM.287865
Published by: IGI Global


From past the development direction of logistics centers covering problem, the main solution is almost always relying on modern computer and gradually developed intelligent algorithm, at the same time, the previous understanding of dynamic covering location model is not "dynamic", in order to improve the unreasonable distribution of logistics centers deployment time, improve the service coverage, coverage as the optimization goal to logistics centers, logistics centers as well as each one can be free to move according to certain rules of "dot", according to the conditions set by the site moved to a more reasonable. The innovation of all algorithms in this paper lies in that the logistics centers themselves are regarded as the subject of free "activities", and they are allowed to move freely according to these rules by setting certain moving rules. Simulation results show that the algorithm has good coverage effect and can meet the requirements of logistics centers for coverage effect.