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Understanding the Intention to Use Virtual Currency in a Gamified E-Commerce Context

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJOM.288425
Published by: IGI Global


Gamification is all about using game features in a serious context to encourage people to use products or services. E-commerce has used gamification for marketing determinations to strengthen intent to use. Technology Acceptance Model is employed in the current study to investigate the intention to use gamified virtual currency in the Indian context. A survey was used to accumulate records from a random sample of relevant virtual currency users in an e-commerce context using a quantitative approach. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is expended for data analysis in this research. This empirical research shows the incremental impact of the users' perceptions of the ease of use and usefulness on intention to use virtual currency. The variable attitude seems to be not mediating significantly. There are also discussions, restrictions, and future research directions mentioned in this study