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Security-Aware Routing on Wireless Communication for E-Health Records Monitoring Using Machine Learning

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.289176
Published by: IGI Global


An ad hoc structure is self-organizing, self-forming, and system-free, with no nearby associations. One of the significant limits we must focus on in frameworks is leading. As for directions, we can send the packet or communications from the sender to the recipient node. AODV Routing Protocol, a short display that will make the tutorial available on demand. Machine Learning (ML) based IDS must be integrated and perfected to support the detection of vulnerabilities and enable frameworks to make intrusion decisions while ML is about their mobile context. This paper considers the combined effect of stooped difficulties along the way, problems at the medium get-right-of-area to impact layer, or pack disasters triggered by the remote control going off route. The AODV as the Routing MANET protocol is used in this work, and the process is designed and evaluated using Support Vector Machine (SVM) to detect the malicious network nodes.