Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Blockchain Application Design and Algorithms for Traceability in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJHISI.289460


Blockchain technology has garnered attention from stakeholders in many domains, including healthcare, governance and supply chain management. In the context of healthcare, traceability of pharmaceutical drugs in a transparent yet secure manner can be made faster and efficient with blockchain. This paper presents a blockchain based solution for traceability known as PharmaChain. The traceability is achieved with application design and algorithms which are proposed in the work. The proposed application can be developed using hyperledger fabric deployed on dockers. The chain codes are written in javascript. The pharmaceutical blockchain proposed in this work consists of manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer and consumer. The right for registering a drug into the blockchain is granted to the manufacturers only and the ownership transfer of the drug is stored. This paper highlights the traceability of ownership transfer of the drug and validates its origin.