Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Dynamic Contact Network Simulation Model Based on Multi-Agent Systems

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJHISI.289462
Published by: IGI Global


Epidemic spread poses a new challenge to the public health community. Given its very rapid spread, public health decision makers are mobilized to fight and stop it by setting disposal several tools. This ongoing research aims to design and develop a new system based on Multi-Agent System, Suscpetible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model and Geographic Information System (GIS) for public health officials. The proposed system aimed to find out the real and responsible factors for the epidemic spread and explaining its emergence in human population. Moreover, it allows to monitor the disease spread in space and time and provides rapid early warning alert of disease outbreaks. In this paper, a multi-agent epidemic spread simulation system is proposed, discussed and implemented. Simulation result shows that the proposed multi-agent disease spread system performs well in reflecting the evolution of dynamic disease spread system's behavior