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Intrusion Detection Model Using Temporal Convolutional Network Blend Into Attention Mechanism

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISP.290832
Published by: IGI Global


In order to improve the ability to detect network attacks, traditional intrusion detection models often used convolutional neural networks to encode spatial information or recurrent neural networks to obtain temporal features of the data. Some models combined the two methods to extract spatio-temporal features. However, these approaches used separate models and learned features insufficiently. This paper presented an improved model based on temporal convolutional networks (TCN) and attention mechanism. The causal and dilation convolution can capture the spatio-temporal dependencies of the data. The residual blocks allow the network to transfer information in a cross-layered manner, enabling in-depth network learning. Meanwhile, attention mechanism can enhance the model's attention to the relevant anomalous features of different attacks. Finally, this paper compared models results on the KDD CUP99 and UNSW-NB15 datasets. Besides, the authors apply the model to video surveillance network attack detection scenarios. The result shows that the model has advantages in evaluation metrics.