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Impacts of the Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Teaching-Learning Processes in Engineering Courses

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJVPLE.291541
Published by: IGI Global


Cognitive approaches to teaching generate learning through the interaction between the subject and object of study. One of the strategies to create this interaction is related to the application of virtual and augmented reality in the teaching-learning processes. Through a systematic literature review, this work aims to describe the approaches used to measure the impacts on student learning who used virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the teaching-learning processes of engineering courses, the impacts on learning, and student satisfaction. The surveys showed that 70% of research analyzed, students who used virtual reality or augmented reality learned more, and 90% of the research described that students who used virtual or augmented reality were more satisfied with the new approach than the traditional teaching approach. The conclusion is that there are positive impacts, in the vast majority of cases, on learning and the satisfaction of students who use virtual or augmented reality in the teaching-learning processes applied in engineering courses.