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The Agglomeration Mechanism of Network Emerging E-Eommerce Industry Based on Social Science

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.291561
Published by: IGI Global


Network emerging e-commerce refers to the development of wireless broadband technology, smart terminal technology, near-field network, etc. as the driving force. It is the emerging e-commerce represented by the continuous development of modern e-commerce and the integration of commerce. This paper proposes to use Michael Porter’s cluster theory method, income increasing algorithm, and spatial Gini coefficient method to sort out and analyze the research results of industrial agglomeration problems, further study the relationship of e-commerce industry agglomeration mechanism, and build agglomeration simulation model , the construction of the centripetal force model of the industrial agglomeration area, through the analysis of the production factors of the e-commerce industry, and then study the influence of each factor on the development of the e-commerce industry. Finally, this paper selects and uses 16 standard mechanical data sets to investigate and analyze the agglomeration mechanism of the e-commerce industry, which verifies the accuracy and overall applicability of the method.