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The Relationship Between Persuasion Cues and Idea Adoption in Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJKM.291708
Published by: IGI Global


Building on the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and absorptive capacity, this study develops a four-dimensional model of idea adoption in Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities (VCCs) and examines the influence of different persuasion cues on idea adoption. The research model was tested using hierarchical logistic regression based on a dataset from the Tableau community. The results show that both community recognition of users and community recognition of ideas are positively related to idea adoption. Proactive user engagement has a significant positive impact on idea adoption, while reactive user engagement has no significant impact. Idea content quality, represented by idea length and supporting arguments, has an inverted U-shaped relationship with idea adoption. Community absorptive capacity positively moderates the curvilinear relationship between idea content quality and idea adoption. These results contribute to a better elucidation of the persuasion mechanisms underlying idea adoption in VCCs, and thus provide important implications for open innovation research and practice.