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Applying a Structured Industry Model Development Process to Support Digital Transformation Efforts

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JECO.292475
Published by: IGI Global


While business models transformed how we describe organizations, the authors apply equivalent modeling to describe industries. Specifically, the authors propose and implement a structured industry model development process (SIMDP) based on the design science research methodology (DSRM). Moreover, our novel approach conceptualizes an industry model scaffolded through academic research and managerial guidance. An industry model creates a holistic view of any target industry to a) guide digital transformation efforts, b) reveal model components and linkages that may not be immediately evident, and c) support strategic decision-making within organizations considering the expansion and refinement of existing business models. The authors demonstrate the SIMDP’s efficacy using a case study of the online learning industry and evaluate the resulting industry model. Finally, the authors suggest future research directions and discuss the practical implications of the SIMDP and its resulting artifacts.