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Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Iran

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.294094
Published by: IGI Global


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software packages have been widely implemented in the developed world since they first appeared on the market in the late 1970s. In the developing world, however, the lack of the human and financial resources needed for such projects, and the non-availability of sales and support offices for western-based ERP vendors, has limited the uptake of ERP software. However, in Iran, there has been significant recent growth in the development of homegrown ERP software solutions. These products are usually more customizable than western-based ERP products and can thus be adapted more readily to specific user requirements. Using a case study approach, this article examines the origins and development of one of these companies – the Behko software company, and assesses its main product, and how it has been implemented in a typical end-user company. The article concludes that the homegrown ERP sector in Iran is making a significant contribution to the provision of information systems in the country, and is competing successfully with western-based alternatives.