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Roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Management Policies

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJPADA.294122
Published by: IGI Global


The new type of coronaviruses (COVID-19) crisis has had a devastating impact across the world. Public administration discipline addresses emergency crisis management in various ways and dimensions. This article seeks answers to the question “How AI can contribute to crisis management policies to fight against COVID-19 and its impacts?” To this, the techniques and methods of AI in fighting against the COVID-19 virus will be explained in various dimensions. AI can make significant contributions in the preparation, mitigation-prevention, response, and recovery policies in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. If adopted, AI can be used to find better treatment routes and drug development. Equally, policymakers can benefit from AI as decision support to reach high-quality decisions through fast and accurate data. The paper concludes that governments should create and implement effective AI-based crisis management strategies to fight against the epidemic locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally with a multi-level governance perspective.