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Exploring the Intellectual Structure and International Cooperation in Information Management

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.294577


To make a comprehensive literature review and identify the development trends, this study maps the intellectual structure of the research information management based on co-keyword analysis, the 2-tuple linguistic technique, and social network analysis. This study reveals the intellectual structure by analyzing the topological structure, conceptual structure, and strategic diagram. From the perspective of topological structure, the research of the information management field can be divided into three layers including the nucleus layer, middle layer, and marginal layer. In terms of the conceptual structure, the research of information management can be divided into four sub-fields including health information management, information systems, information technology, and information management application. The four subfields can be repartitioned into seven clusters by using a 2-tuple linguistic model, which means that the 2-tuple linguistic model can improve co-keyword analysis.