Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

An Ontology-Based Automation System

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJSWIS.295946
Published by: IGI Global


This paper presents an ontology-based approach to benefit automatic fertilization management for citrus orchards located in mountainous region. The core of the fertilization approach is the citrus fertilization ontology, which covers knowledge about citrus fertilizers and fertilization application. Specially, our approach can provide not only the yearly fertilization quantities of required pure nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium according to their disease symptoms, but also the suitable fertilizing recommendations for the citrus orchards with different soil properties. The current version of the ontology (ver. 2.9.10) contains 103 classes, 34 properties, 800 instances, which are defined by 3056 RDF triples and is evaluated by using 90 competency questions. Furthermore, we run experiments with our proposal targeting at four citrus orchards in Chongqing, and compare its outputs with the reference values advised by the agri-professionals of citrus planting.