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Youth and Multiplayer Mobile Games Adoption

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJESMA.296574
Published by: IGI Global


The rapidly growing technology has created new form of gaming platform for youth. The online gaming industry is revolutionised with the emergence of information technology and advanced graphical engines. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Individual gratifications, Novelty Seeking and social norms on the attitude and intention to play multiplayer mobile games adoption among youth. Structure equation modelling (SEM) technique was utilised to examine the effect of various antecedents with the help of data from 280 respondents. The findings of the study suggest that there is a significant impact of social interaction and novelty seeking on the user’s intention to play online multiplayer games. The research findings will be beneficial for the marketing practitioners and game designers to incorporate social aspects and novel graphics to enhance the marketability of the game. Further this study contributes to the literature of human- game- technology interaction and widens the scope for further research to explore other dimensions in game adoption.