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Sports Tourism Products

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJESMA.296578
Published by: IGI Global


In addition to good accommodation and sports infrastructure, Slovenia has an extremely developed system of training, testing, and rehabilitation of athletes. Slovenian athletes have always topped in various sports providing excellent training and friendly partnerships for athletes and sports teams coming to the preparations. These characteristics provide an opportunity for developing off-peak tourist products, focusing on sports and sports recreation. However, sports recreation marketing faces challenges like the division into sports-oriented and sports-related vacations. Accordingly, the main goal of this paper is to discern the link between sports and tourism, marketing strategies and tools, and identify the potential variables that could encourage Slovenian organizations in enhancing successful engagement of sports tourism in the following years. Therefore, to discuss the possibilities for sporting organizations to cooperate with the tourism industry, an in-depth discussion based on the case studies of Slovenian companies from two different destinations is conducted.