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Cause of Attrition in an Information Technology-Enabled Services Company

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJHCITP.296691
Published by: IGI Global


The purpose of this study is to identify the human resource and the contextual factors that catalyze employee attrition in an ITES organization. A triangulation approach used to understand the reasons for employee attrition including: conducting structured interviews with the employees upon the intimation of their intention to leave the organization as well as a follow up semi-structured interview six months post their official resignation. The study was analyzed using the word cloud qualitative data analysis technique, radar chart, correlation, paired sample t-test, chi-square, and ANOVA. This exploration affirms that human resource factors impact attrition while contextual factor generation influences the human resource factors. The study also indicates that employees feel comfortable to reveal their actual reason for leaving the organization only after a certain period post resignation. Managers should prioritize maintaining relationships with employees; ensure to provide employees with enriching job content and learning opportunities for career growth.