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Technology Characteristics as Predictors of Psychological Strain

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTHI.297620
Published by: IGI Global


Drawing on the work system misfit model, the present research developed and tested a model consisting of three technology characteristics (usefulness, presenteeism, and responsiveness) as antecedents, five techno-stressors (techno-overload, techno-complexity, techno-uncertainty, techno-invasion, and techno-insecurity) as mediators, and psychological strain as an outcome. A web-based survey questionnaire was utilized by surveying 163 employees from different financial and technological organizations. Two contributions with practical and theoretical significance were offered by the current research. First, this research delivered new insights for organizations to develop their technological environments and consequently, improve their employees’ mental health. Second, this research developed a short measure of a new dynamic technology feature (i.e., responsiveness) that may be used by scholars and practitioners in the broad Information Systems discipline.