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Energy-Aware VM Scheduler

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJISMD.297631
Published by: IGI Global


Cost is the backbone of any business model to sustain and growth in the competitive business market. Considering this, higher energy consumption may affect the operational cost of any industry. Cloud computing is one of the most popular IT business model for service provider and its users. It is observed in many research, that the average cost of the services are highly dependent upon the run time and power consumption. More power consumption effect the environmental things as well. In this review, more than 100 research articles are considered to evaluate the energy consumption methods, issues and challenges from 2009 to 2021. Based on the study, the energy-aware load balancing methods are classified into four major clusters. The most cited methods are compared based on method used, platform where it is deployed, different evaluation parameters like cost, run time, Virtual Machine utilization, Service-level-agreement violation rate, and Quality-of-service QoS. The result of this review is presented as open research issues and challenges for forthcoming research.