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Population-Based Studies in Dementia and Ageing Research

OAI: DOI: 10.17863/CAM.87885
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Dementia has been recognised as a key challenge in many ageing societies across the world. Several population-based studies have been developed to investigate dementia and cognitive ageing from perspectives of biology, health, psychology and social sciences. However, there is a need to provide a better understanding of 'contexts', the circumstance where these ageing populations existed, and heterogeneity within and across the populations in different time and places. In this article, we summarise some examples of earlier population-based studies undertaken by our research groups in England and Wales and their contribution to the epidemiology of dementia, neuropathology, cognitive and mental health in older age. We also describe how these studies illustrated variation among ageing populations and changes in their health conditions across time and place. These findings highlight the contribution that population-based studies can make, along with the vital to incorporate contexts in ageing research. A lifecourse approach within social context is needed to integrate life experiences, social circumstances, and multiple dimensions of cognition, functioning, physical health and wellbeing over the ageing process. We also discuss how evidence from population-based studies can support various international initiatives on dementia, healthy ageing and Sustainable Development Goals and facilitate tailored approaches for diverse populations across global societies.