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Educational Mobile Games as a Tool for Increasing Vocabulary When Learning a Foreign Language

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.298624
Published by: IGI Global


The study considers the features of the algorithms of educational mobile games. The research analyzes the main functions and characteristics of 55 educational mobile games. The system of each mobile application for learning a foreign language consists of 13 key algorithms. An experiment involving three Russian (342 participants) higher educational institutions and two Kazakh (158 participants) universities was conducted. The experiment was based on the analysis and comparison of the effectiveness of Quizlet and Memrise (the first stage of the study), Tandem and ELSASpeak (the second stage of the study) with traditional learning methods (textbooks, notes, classroom lessons with teachers). The results indicate that students memorize 80-90% of vocabulary with the help of mobile applications. The synthesis of traditional learning methods and mobile pedagogy is the most effective. The results of the study can be used as an aid when using mobile learning methods in teaching foreign languages.