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A Self-Assessment Framework for Global Supply Chain Operations

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.298653
Published by: IGI Global


This research developed an effective supply chain management (SCM) operation model and a corresponding diagnostic methodology in the global competitive environment by combining three phases and methodologies. In Phases 1, a list of impact factors was collected from relevant studies, and a hierarchy for the current complex research issue was established. In Phase 2, an expert survey was conducted for enhancing the content effectiveness of the model. Subsequently, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to determine the weights of those factors. In Phase 3, a self-assessment framework was developed to examine the effectiveness of the global SCM. Finally, a case was analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the self-assessment scales. The results show that the concept of global SCM tends to be broader and more comprehensive than traditional one. Especially in the coordination and cooperation between market, organization itself and suppliers, while using information technology as a communication tool.