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Coronavirus Pneumonia Classification Using X-Ray and CT Scan Images With Deep Convolutional Neural Network Models

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JITR.299391
Published by: IGI Global


Pneumonia is a life-threatening infectious disease affecting one or both lungs in humans. There are mainly two types of pneumonia: bacterial and viral. Likewise, patients with coronavirus can develop symptoms that belong to the common flu, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases. Chest X-rays are the common method used to diagnose coronavirus pneumonia and it needs a medical expert to evaluate the result of X-ray. Furthermore, DL has garnered great attention among researchers in recent years in a variety of application domains such as medical image processing, computer vision, bioinformatics, and many others. In this paper, we present a comparison of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks models for automatically binary classification query chest X-ray & CT images dataset with the goal of taking precision tools to health professionals based on fined recent versions of ResNet50, InceptionV3, and VGGNet. The experiments were conducted using a chest X-ray & CT open dataset of 5856 images and confusion matrices are used to evaluate model performances.