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Exploring the Impact of E-Marketing on Consumers' Online Cognitive and Affective Tendencies in Developing Nations

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJOM.299397
Published by: IGI Global


Consumers have become smarter therefore smart techniques are required to grab their paramount interest toward a particular product or service. Since advanced information communications technologies (ICTs) have radically changed the business operations whereas marketing paradigm is also dramatically transformed the promotional tactics by utilizing innovative ICTs. Corporate and researchers still believe that more work is required to unveil the role of evolving ICTs in boosting the marketing communications to attract the consumers in today’s era. Our study investigates the nexus between e-marketing (eM) model and consumers’ impulsive buying tendencies (IBTs) using two core streams, i.e., cognitive and affective tendencies drawing on theory of planned behavior (TPB). The key findings illustrated that eM has positive influence on consumers’ IBTs (i.e., cognitive and affective). In addition, comprehensive linkages affirmed the positive connection of each dimension of eM, i.e., mobile marketing, email marketing, and internet marketing on consumer’s IBTs.