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Fast Path Reservation Scheduler

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJICTHD.299413
Published by: IGI Global


In multihomed devices, Multipath Transmission Control Protocol is a transport layer protocol that allows TCP segments to be sent over several paths. We look at several Multipath TCP schedulers in this study and highlight some current outstanding concerns including head-of-line blocking, bandwidth aggregation, and out-of-order packets. The majority of these difficulties degrade MPTCP performance, which may be improved by constructing an MPTCP scheduler properly. Then, utilizing the bandwidth of all potential routes, we develop a novel MPTCP packet scheduler dubbed a Fast path reservation scheduler that not only helps to solve the aforesaid problems, but also delivers optimal throughput with a short execution time. The size of the receiver buffer or the size of the data being transmitted have no effect on the performance of FPRS, which transmits packets of data to the receiver in the order they were received. Both empirically and analytically, we show that the suggested scheduler outperforms the competition.