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Prediction of Nurses Allotment to Patient in Hospital through Game Theory

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/jitr.299916
Published by: IGI Global


Allotment of nurses to patients is a critical task in terms of better treatment. Nurses should be appointed according to a patient's health condition, type of disease, and financial condition. Again, understaffing of nurses may hamper patient health and condition. Similarly, overstaffing of nurses is a waste of manpower. Adequate staffing of nurses is crucial. The authors propose a technique using game theory to meet overstaffing and understaffing of nurses. Game theory plays a vital role to meet the exact requirement. Nash equilibrium can be used for taking all possible decisions, like appointment of nurses in different categories for smooth treatment of patients. However, the final and most suitable decision can be taken using perfect Nash equilibrium. This technique is a perfect technique to implement in case of vital and critical decision points.