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A Systematic Review on Determinants Inciting Sustainable E-Medical Tourism

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.299962
Published by: IGI Global


Medical tourism attracts medical vacationers by promoting its uniform vacation ease, healthcare know-how, proficiency, and comprehensible amenities. With the upsurge in COVID-19 cases and no therapeutic treatment, non-pharmaceutical intrusions are the utmost priority. Unprecedented travel limitations and homestay restrictions are posing a huge economic burden to the tourism industry. The present study aims to identify determinants inciting sustainable e-medical tourism post COVID-19 pandemic. The study is advanced from the theoretical outlook, systematically determining and scrutinizing the prior literature to discuss the determinants which encourage e-medical tourism. The results of the study highlight that resource and management assistance, electronic supporting facilities, demand issues, technological intervention, and situational glitches act as major aspects of perseverance of e-medical tourism. An apparent limitation of the present study is the absence of contributions based on empirical data.