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Social and Cultural Impacts on Employee Job Satisfaction and Commitment to Organisations

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJAMTR.300343
Published by: IGI Global


Job satisfaction continues to be an essential aspect of exploring performance and its impact on productivity, organisational goals and societies at large has been widely studies. This study, aimed at investigating the impact of social, cultural, personal and environmental factors of job satisfaction and reviewing the relationship between job satisfaction and performance in organisation while exploring the interrelationships of the aforementioned antecedent’s groups. The study confirms the dual direction of connection that comprises a cycle of cause and effect relationship between, job satisfaction and performance and explores the mediating factors. The study encourages managers to reflect on their tacit method of managing employees, and exploring ways to apply explicit methods and provide work environment that is more conducive and unbiased. The study highlights the importance of considering job satisfaction and performance relationship holistically, through addressing the social, cultural, personal and environmental problems to improve employee performance.