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Understanding the E-Banking Channel Selection Behavior of Elderly Customers

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.300765
Published by: IGI Global


To reveal the influence mechanism of e-banking channel selection of elderly customers, according to the analysis of elderly customers’decision-making process, a threshold model is proposed by using small world customer relationship network and variable setting in this study. The multi-agent simulation of e-banking channel selection behavior of elderly customers is carried out from the perspectives of channel diffusion speed and customer channel selection proportion in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. The research shows that channel performance and individual differences of customers affect the adoption of e-banking by elderly customers. This study also has found that network size and network density can regulate the impact of channel performance on the selection behavior of elderly groups. However, they could play a regulatory role under certain conditions. Finally, this study puts forward some suggestions to improve the channel diffusion efficiency, such as building an elderly friendly e-financial service channel and construction of elderly business market culture.