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Investigating CSR Practice and SERVQUAL Model for Customer Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty in a Banking Context

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJCRMM.300831
Published by: IGI Global


The quality of service delivery is considered one of the most important success indicators in the banking sector. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the SERVQUAL model in the retail banking sector, taking into account the serial mediation of customer satisfaction and affective commitment. A sample of 313 retail banking customers was employed for the final analysis. The authors validate a measurement model using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of this research suggest that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a significant relationship with SERVQUAL dimensions. Furthermore, results showed potential effects of SERVQUAL dimensions on customer satisfaction and affective commitment. Consequently, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a strong indirect association with attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. The theoretical contributions of these results for managerial practices are also discussed.