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Do Females Intend to Use Gamified Virtual Currency in E-Tailing?

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJESMA.301272
Published by: IGI Global


The current study serves two purposes. First and foremost, this research aims to determine the impact of a game mechanism known as virtual currency on the intention of young female consumers to use it in an e-tailing platform; second, it looks at the function of e-trust and task awareness as an extension to the TAM framework, two antecedents that are thought to influence female virtual currency adoption intentions in e-tailing. The proposed framework was evaluated using data from an online survey of 386 female participants across India. The conceptual framework is empirically validated using the PLS-SEM technique. The current study broadens the scope of game mechanics by emphasizing the importance of e-trust as an independent variable and task awareness as a mediator. Findings imply that the e-tailer's may include virtual currency into their platforms, allowing female consumers to make substantial use of it in their purchasing decisions.