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A Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization System Using IEEE 802.15.4 for Staying Room Detection

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJMCMC.301275
Published by: IGI Global


Nowadays, indoor localization systems using IEEE 802.11 have been actively explored for location-based services, since GPS cannot identify floors or rooms in buildings. However, the user-side device is usually large and consumes high energy. In this paper, the authors propose a fingerprint-based indoor localization system using IEEE 802.15.4 that allows the use of a small device with a long-life battery, named FILS15.4. A user carries a small transmitter whose signal is received by multiple receivers simultaneously. The received signal strengths are compared with the fingerprints to find the current location. To address signal fluctuations caused by the low-power narrow-band signal, FILS15.4 limits one room as the localization unit, prepares plural fingerprints for each room, and allocates a sufficient number of receivers in the field. For evaluations, extensive experiments were conducted at #2 Engineering Building in Okayama University and confirmed high detection accuracy with sufficient numbers of receivers and fingerprints.