Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Optimum Partition for Wireless Charging Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks With Applications

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJGHPC.316155


Previous research on wireless charging did not discuss the problem of using optimal allocation to improve the network life cycle. The authors designed and analyzed a variety of network area cutting methods: rectangular cutting, square cutting, concentric circle cutting, sector cutting, and mixed cutting. Through simulation experiments, the difference between the survival time and the number of received packets is compared. The experimental results show that mixed cutting can calculate the expected energy consumption according to the energy consumption rate, and then allocate chargers according to the expected energy consumption, making the energy consumption burden of each charger more equitable. Compared with other partition methods, the load capacity distribution of each charger is more uniform. In terms of survival time and receiving message packets, the network can have a longer survival time, receive more message packets, and use the power consumption of each block more evenly and effectively.