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A Systems Dynamics Approach to Understanding the Determinants of Antenatal Care Utilization in Low-and Middle-Income Countries

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6299-7.ch044


There has been low adherence of antenatal care utilization (ANC) in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) despite its associated negative outcome on women and their unborn babies. Although several studies have examined ANC, the majority focus on isolated aspects and do not explore the holistic approach to understand its dynamics. The system dynamics approach provides a deeper understanding of the phenomenon by examining the underlying factors, causes, effects, feedback, and delays. This study aimed at understanding factors that influence ANC utilization using the system's dynamics approach. An interpretive systematic review to establish multifaceted and context-specific processes was done between May and November 2019. Data from 24 articles were synthesized and used to build causal loop diagrams, which were validated through focus group discussions and interviews with stakeholders. Results revealed human resource numbers and welfare, awareness campaigns, peer support groups, and community-based engagement as key leverage points towards ANC improvement.