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Examining Student Behavioral Intention of Superstar Learning System by Extending Its Technology Acceptance Model

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.305804
Published by: IGI Global


Superstar Learning System, designed and developed by Superstar Company, is a learning platform where teachers and learners may have access to plentiful educational resources and interact with each other. Behavioral intention related to this platform has not been explored although many researchers have examined its use in education. A random sampling technique and a questionnaire survey were adopted to collect data to complement this missing link in literature. This study revealed numerous influencing factors of behavioral intention such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, lecturer influence, peer influence, user innovativeness, interface simplicity, and multiple functions. It also extended the extended technology acceptance model (TAM) by involving more influencing constructs (i.e., lecturer and peer influences, user innovativeness, interface simplicity, and multiple functions). Future research could adopt inter-disciplinary research methods to examine Superstar Learning System-based behavior intention of learners.